Saturday, 31 May 2014

Chapter 4: The Self

     Date: 27 May 2014
     Day: Tuesday
     Time: 12.30pm - 2.00pm

                 Today, I rushed from English Foundation class to Human Communication class. Before I enter the Human Communication class, I went to buy a wafer for my lunch. In fact, I didn't late to attend to the class. Then, the lecturer taught us about "The Self" today. I remembered this chapter (Human Communication) is almost same chapter (Psychology of Adjustment [The Self in a Social World]) that I learned before (my first semester).

                 "What is "Self"?", the lecturer asked. As a easy explanation, self means individual. The "self" can also be deemed as the method in which communication and interpretation of messages takes place within the individual. The "Self" can be divided 4 concept of self. There are self-concept, self-awareness, self-esteem and self-disclosure.

                 Furthermore, self-concept is how you feel and think about yourself. It is also an organized collection of belief about the self. That are concerned with one's personality traits, abilities, physical features, values, goals and social roles.
                 There are some factors shaping the self-concept. The first factor shaping the self-concept is social comparison. Social comparison is that we often compare and adjust our image and thinking with the way society acts and thinks. For example, if society think it is cool to have a shaven head, chances are we might follow it. The second areas that affects self-concept is other's images of you. Other's images of you means the individuals compare themselves with others in order to assess their abilities and opinions. For example, "how was it?". The third areas that affects self-concept is self Interpretations and evaluations. Looking at your progress, development and learning to determine what has improved and what areas still need improvement. Your self-interpretation and evaluations are your standards that applies to your ethical and moral reasoning, beliefs and comprehension and conformity of things around you. Self-concept is also shaped by cultural teachings. Your culture instill in you a variety of beliefs, values and attitudes about such things as success. Culture guidelines also affect the way people see themselves.

                  Moreover, self-awareness is one of the first components of the self-concept to emerge. While self-awareness is something that is central to each and every one of us, it is not something that we are acutely aware of at at every moment of every day. A process of discovering your personal development and understanding. The process is not only limited to the individual but also for others around you that will help you to become self aware about your own ability.
                                                     ###The Four Selfs - Johari Window:
                                                        by : Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham

                          The four different windows explains different parts of our selves that we know ourselves, others know better than we do, some remain hidden from others and some totally unknown to you or anyone.
                           (1) Open arena (Open self) known to self and others. For example, I like my watch because I wear watch everyday and I also tell everyone I like my watch.
                           (2) Facade (Hidden self) known to self but unknown to others. For example, I am afraid of cockroach but I never show it.
                           (3) Blind Spot (Blind self) unknown to self but known to others. For instance, Some may touch hair, rub nose or touch face when they feel nervous.
                           (4) Unknown (Unknown self) unknown to self and others. For instance, we don't know about our future husband or wife.
                            There are some examples for growing in self-awareness.The examples of growing in self-awareness are listen to others (become a good listener), increase your open self, seek information about yourself and dialogue with yourself.

                         Besides that, self esteem means confidence or the level of trust or assurance to yourself. Self-esteem can involve a variety of beliefs about the self, such as the appraisal of one's own appearance, beliefs, emotions and behaviors.

                         How to increase your self-esteem?  The way of increase your self-esteem is attack self-destructive belief , seek out Nourishing people, work on project that will result in success, remind yourself of your success and secure affirmation.
                         The lecturer also asked us to write down 10 examples of high self-esteem and low self-esteem on the white board.\

                          Lastly, self-disclosure is an act of telling others about things that they wouldn't know about you (telling your hidden self). Self-disclosure forms a significant part of being true to our "self" and making sure we are happy with our lives.
                          There are five factors influencing self disclosure. The factors influencing self disclosure are (1) who you are, (2) your culture, (3) your gender, (4) your listener- small group of large group and (5) your topic and channel.
                            The advantages of self-disclosure is gaining confidence, be more truthful about yourself and make or strengthen friendships and relationships.
                             The disadvantages of self-disclosure is lost of friends and trust, additional pressure and burden and living with regret.      

To be continue ^_^...

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Chapter 3: Listening

     Date: 20 May 2014
     Day: Tuesday
     Time: 12.30pm - 2.00pm

In fact, I want to be a good listener. I am so appreciate my lecturer (human communication) taught this chapter. This is because Today, sir taught us about "Listening". So, I should understanding about "What is listening?". Listening is an activity that involves receiving, deciphering and perceiving a message with intent to respond. Planning ahead for a conversation improves a receiver's ability to listen to a message. Listening can help us to play, help, relate, influence and to learn. Listening is an action that try to pay attention. However, hearing is a foundation step of receiving sound and also different between listening. For example of hearing, aircond sound, noise and etc... 

 There have five stages of listening. 

              The first stage of listening is "Receiving" (hearing and attending to the message). In listening, we will receive both the verbal and the nonverbal messages. Verbal and the nonverbal messages are not only the words. However, there are include the gestures, facial expression, variations in volume and rate and so on. 
              For improved this reception, we need to focus attention on the speaker's verbal and nonverbal messages, on both what is said and what is not said. Next, to prevent distractions in the environment and focus attention on the speaker rather than on what that individual will say next. Third, to prevent from thinking about how we will respond. Lastly, to maintain our role as listener and avoid interrupting the speaker until he or she is finished.

              The second stage of listening is "Understanding". Understanding is the stage at which we learn what the speaker means. We must take into consideration both thoughts that are expressed and the emotional tone that accompanies them.
               For improved understanding, to relate some new information to what we already know. To see the speaker's  messages from the speaker's point of view. Next, to ask questions to clarify or to secure additional details or examples if necessary. Lastly, to rephrase the speaker's ideas in own words.

                        The third stage of listening is "Remembering". Messages that we receive and understand need to be remembered for at least some period of time.
                   This stage can be made more effective if we can identifying the central ideas in a message and the major support advanced for them. We can summarizing the message in a more easily retained form, being careful not to ignore crucial details or qualifications. Lastly, we also can repeating names and key concepts to ourselves.

                   The fourth stage of listening is "Evaluating". Evaluating consists of judging messages in some way. Often this evaluation process goes on without much conscious thought. 
                  This stage can be made more effective, if we can resist evaluation until we clearly understand the speaker's opinion. We also can assume that the speaker is a goodwill and give the speaker the benefit of any doubt by asking for clarification on issues that we feel we must object to.  Next, to distinguish facts from inferences, opinion and personal interpretations by the speaker. Lastly, to identify any biases, self-interests, or prejudices that may lead the speaker to slant unfairly what is presented.

                     The last stage of listening is "Responding". It occurs in two phrases: (1) Responses we make while the speaker is talking [backchanneling cues to let the speaker know we are paying attention~> i see.  (2) Responses we make after the speaker has stopped talking.
                      This stage can be made more effective, if we express support for the speaker by using varied backchanneling cues. For instance, saying "uh-huh" throughout, may it appear that we aren't really listening. Next, to express support for the speaker in the final responses. The last point is state our thoughts and feelings as own, using I-messages. For example, say "I think the new proposal will entail greater expense than you outlined".

                    The Next subtopics is "Listening and Culture". "Why listening is difficult?". This is because of the inevitable differences in the communication systems between speaker and listener. Also each person has had a unique set of experiences, each person's communication and meaning system is going to be different from every other person's. It will be more difficult when the speaker and listener come from different cultures. 
                     There have some diversity of listening and culture. The first diversity of listening and culture is "Language and Speech". Every individual speaks an idiolect. A unique variation of the language. Speakers and listeners who have different native languages and who may have learned English as a second language have differences in meaning. 
                    The second diversity of listening and culture is "Nonverbal Behavioral Differences". Speakers from different cultures have different display rules (cultural rules that govern which nonverbal behaviors are appropriate and which are inappropriate in a public setting. Listen consists verbal and nonverbal messages. If verbal and nonverbal contradict with what we expect, it will become noise or interference. 
                    The next diversity of listening and culture is "Direct and Indirect Styles". Direct style is like "say what you mean and mean what you say". It more likely the individualism. Individualism involves putting personal goals ahead of group goals and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group memberships. (Individualism more focus on himself/herself.) Indirect styles is "they emphasize politeness and maintaining a positive public image rather than absolute truth". It more likely the collectivism. Collectivism involves putting group goals ahead of a personal goals and defining one's identity in terms of the groups one belongs to (such as one's family,work group, social class and so on.     
                    The fourth diversity of listening and culture is "Balance of Story Versus Evidence". In some cultures, most people want evidence before making decisions rather than critical thinking. In contrast, in some cultures, they may be more influenced by the world of high credibility source. 
                     In my opinion, the "credibility" is the most important of listening and cultures. In some cultures people would claim that competence is the most significant factor in, say, the choice of a teacher for their preschool children. On the other hand, in other cultures the most important factor might be the goodness or morality of the teacher.                      And the last point is "Feedback". Members of some cultures give very direct and honest feedback. Speaker (US) expect the feedback to be a forthright reflection of what their listeners are feeling. In other cultures (Japan and Korea), it's more important to be positive than to be truthful, so people may respond with positive feedback even though they don't actually feel positive.

                          How to listening more effectively? There 4 ways listen more effectively. The first way of listening effectively is "Participatory and Passive Listening". Physically and mentally engage  in the sharing of meaning. Passive listener suspends judgment and just listen only. Passive listener accepts everything, not evaluate and also supports, not intrude.
                          The second way of listening effectively is “Emphatic and Objective Listening". That means to listen empathically. We also feel with them (feel what they feel). So, that we can see the world as they see. It helps us understand what a person means and what the person is feeling. Also listen more objectively.
                         The next way of listening effectively is "Nonjudgmental and Critical Listening". We must listen with open mind. We need to avoid distorting messages and to prevent filtering out unpleasant or undesirable messages.

                          In addition, the last way of listening effectively is "Surface and Depth Listening". This means to distinguish the surface (literal) and depth meaning of the communication.

To be continue ^_^....

Monday, 19 May 2014

Chapter 1: Foundation of Human Communication

     Date: 8 May 2014
     Day: Thursday
     Time: 12.30pm - 1.30pm

              Today, my lecturer was started teach the class. The title first chapter is about some basic  human communication. "What is human communication?", the lecturer asked the student (include me). I think is people communicate to each others.
              Based on the lecturer notes, the definition of human communication is focus on understanding how people communicate in various ways. Then, communication means that process of sending and receiving messages through verbal or non verbal from one or more person do it. Communication will give a person bad or good impression to each others. Communication occurs in our daily life. For example, Lina and her friends discussed the assignment last Friday.
             The next subtopic is the areas of human communication. There has 5 different areas of human communication.
             The first areas of human communication is Intrapersonal Communication. Intrapersonal communication is when an individual has their own personal dialogue. An individual thoughts, feelings and idea are communicated to himself/herself. For example, "Why I am stressed now?", I asked myself.
             The opposite of intrapersonal communication is interpersonal communication which is a conversation with another individual. Interpersonal communication is the process of sending and receiving information between two or more person. For example, I shared my story to my friends.
             The small group & organizational communication is need to have at least 3 person. For example, a group of members do the presentation and assignments together among 5 members.That means someone interact with people settle problems and to create some creative and new ideas.The next areas of the human communication is public communication.
             Public communication needs to have the ability of reaching many people (communication between a speaker and an audience). Audiences range in size from several people to hundreds, thousands and even millions. For example, Prime Minister is giving a speech to every Malaysian through the media, such as TV programme.
             And the last areas of the human communication is mass communication. It takes place through the media outlets such as,newspaper, magazines, television, radio, film and video. For instance, a reporter report a big news (entertainment) via newspaper and TV programme.
             Besides that, I also learn about the culture and human communication. Now, I know that different countries have their own culture (different culture). There are have some aim of a cultural perspective. (1) To know and realize how to communicate influence (between someone and others). (2) To recognize what is universal (true for all people) and what is relative (true for people in one culture and not true for people in other culture). (3) To communicate effectively in a wide variety of intercultural situations.  
             In addition, this subtopic is giving some deep impression in some parts. This subtopic is about the components of human communication. The components of human communication is divide two important ""subsubtopic"".The first part is including social psychological context, physical context, cultural context and the last is temporal context.
             Based on my understanding, socio-psychological context is to look at human behavior as influenced by other people and the social context in which this occurs. (Based on the lecturer notes, socio-psychological context includes the relationships among participants, the roles that people play. It also includes the friendliness or unfriendliness, formality or informality, seriousness or humorousness of the situation.)
             The next part is physical context. The physical context reflects the space around something and how I see it. The physical context exerts some impacts/influence on the content of my message as well as the form. In my opinion, the most important part is cultural context.
             Culture context that might influence someone are how cultural norms dictated the treatment of women and men, ethnic minorities, the old, the young and people of different religions. The beliefs, values and ways of behaving that are shared by a group of people and passed down from generation to the next.
             The last part is temporal (time) context. Temporal context is the time in history which the communication takes place.
           The second important ""subsubtopic"" of the components of human communication is source-receiver, message, feedback and feedforward, channels, noise and effects.
           The compound term source-receiver emphasizes that each person involved in communication is both a source (speaker) and a receiver (listener). Source include speak, write, gesture, or smile. Otherwise, receiver include listening, reading, smelling & etc...
           Message include words, text, literature, body language, interpretive dance & etc...
           Feedback is messages sent back to the speaker reacting to what is said. In my opinion, that              I learn a word in the class is feedforward. I didn't know about what this word means before this class. Feedforward is a pretext to the context. For example, "I am sorry I have to tell you this, but......".
          Channel includes vocal channel (spoken words), visual channel (hand gestures, body language...), olfactory channel (odors, smell...), tactile channel (touch).
          Noise is dividing into 4 categories. Such as, physical noise, psychological noise, semantic noise and physiological noise. Physical noise is interference that is external to both speaker and listener. For instance, noise from van, train, bad handwriting, misspelled words. Psychological noise is mental interference in speaker or listener and includes impressions, perceptions, prejudice and so on. Semantic noise is created when the speaker and listener have different meaning systems. For example,  in the medical doctor who uses "medicalese" without explanation.
          So, the effects will occur. Effects includes intellectual effects, affective effects and psychomotor effects. Intellectual effects are changes in our thinking. Affective effects are changes in our attitudes, values, beliefs and emotions. Psychomotor effects are changes physical behavioral change.
           Lastly, the Purposes of Human Communication are to help (maybe to help some people),  
to discover, to relate, to persuade and to play.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Chapter 2: Perception

     Date: 15 May 2014
     Day: Thursday
     Time: 5.00pm - 6.30pm

            Today, I learn about "What is "Perception" in human communication class. Perception is our sensory experience of the world around us and involves both the recognition of environmental stimuli and actions in response to these stimuli. So, different person can have some same perception and different perception.
            The next subtopics is the perception process. There has 3 stages in the perception process. Sensory stimulation occurs in the first stage of perception process. The sensory stimulation involves touch, smell, hear, taste and sight.
             In the second stage, the sensory stimulation is organized from the two principles (proximity principle and closure principle). Proximity principle is things that are near each other seem to be grouped together. Closure principle is things are grouped together if they seem to complete some entity. Our brains often ignore contradictory information and fill in gaps in information.
              In the third stage, the sensory stimulation is interpreted-evaluated (subjective process). Our interpretations-evaluations not only based on the external stimulus. Also involves our past experience, needs, wants, value system, emotional state, expectation and etc.

              Furthermore, the lecturer also taught us about the processes influencing perception. There are 5 processes influencing perception.
              The first processes influencing perception is implicit personality theory. An individual have own opinion about someone's characteristics that say which characteristics of an individual go with other characteristics. This is also known as the halo effect. For instance, if I believe my friend has some positive qualities, I will likely to infer that she or he also possesses other positive qualities. On the other hands, reverse halo effect will lead us to perceive those who are unattractive, such as dishonest, antisocial and sneaky.
               The next processes influencing perception is the self-fulfilling prophecy. It is a prediction was made. This happens because our beliefs influence our actions. For example, if a woman thinks that her husband will leave her for another woman, she will act in ways that will directly or indirectly cause her belief to come true.
               Primacy- recency use early information to provide ourselves with a general idea of what a person is like. Then use later information to make this general idea more specific. The first impression we make is likely to be the most important through this first impression others filter additional information to formulate a picture of whom they perceive we to be.
                Consistency is the tendency to maintain balance among perception or attitudes. An individual expect certain things to go together and other things not to go together.
                Attribution is the process through which you try discover why people do what they do and even why you do what you do. There have some 5 principles of attribution. There are consensus, consistency, distinctiveness and controllability.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

My First Class of Human Communication

     Date: 6 May 2014
     Day: Tuesday
     Time: 12.30pm - 1.30pm

            Two weeks have passed in a twinkle.Today, I need to attend my first class of Human Communication. Besides that, the name of  this course of lecturer is Anwari Ariffin. My lovely lecturer was teaching me another course before. He introduced himself to us in the class. He also told us about our schedule in this semester. For example, the date of midterm, the full marks of midterm, quiz, final exam, video presentation and assignments and also told us about the total chapters in this course. Furthermore, he explained how to do the assignment. The assignment is a individual task for every students. Every students need to register a blog and every week to update the status as a assignment. I felt so stressed unconscious. Why? I also don't know the reason. In fact, the class from 12.30pm until 2.00pm but he dismiss the class in time (until 1.30pm). This is because he haven't teach yet and just give us the introduction of this course only. In the end of the class, I feel very excited because I can go back home early. =D