Day: Tuesday
Time: 12.30pm - 2.00pm
Today, I rushed from English Foundation class to Human Communication class. Before I enter the Human Communication class, I went to buy a wafer for my lunch. In fact, I didn't late to attend to the class. Then, the lecturer taught us about "The Self" today. I remembered this chapter (Human Communication) is almost same chapter (Psychology of Adjustment [The Self in a Social World]) that I learned before (my first semester).
"What is "Self"?", the lecturer asked. As a easy explanation, self means individual. The "self" can also be deemed as the method in which communication and interpretation of messages takes place within the individual. The "Self" can be divided 4 concept of self. There are self-concept, self-awareness, self-esteem and self-disclosure.
Furthermore, self-concept is how you feel and think about yourself. It is also an organized collection of belief about the self. That are concerned with one's personality traits, abilities, physical features, values, goals and social roles.
There are some factors shaping the self-concept. The first factor shaping the self-concept is social comparison. Social comparison is that we often compare and adjust our image and thinking with the way society acts and thinks. For example, if society think it is cool to have a shaven head, chances are we might follow it. The second areas that affects self-concept is other's images of you. Other's images of you means the individuals compare themselves with others in order to assess their abilities and opinions. For example, "how was it?". The third areas that affects self-concept is self Interpretations and evaluations. Looking at your progress, development and learning to determine what has improved and what areas still need improvement. Your self-interpretation and evaluations are your standards that applies to your ethical and moral reasoning, beliefs and comprehension and conformity of things around you. Self-concept is also shaped by cultural teachings. Your culture instill in you a variety of beliefs, values and attitudes about such things as success. Culture guidelines also affect the way people see themselves.
Moreover, self-awareness is one of the first components of the self-concept to emerge. While self-awareness is something that is central to each and every one of us, it is not something that we are acutely aware of at at every moment of every day. A process of discovering your personal development and understanding. The process is not only limited to the individual but also for others around you that will help you to become self aware about your own ability.
###The Four Selfs - Johari Window:
by : Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham
(1) Open arena (Open self) known to self and others. For example, I like my watch because I wear watch everyday and I also tell everyone I like my watch.
(2) Facade (Hidden self) known to self but unknown to others. For example, I am afraid of cockroach but I never show it.
(3) Blind Spot (Blind self) unknown to self but known to others. For instance, Some may touch hair, rub nose or touch face when they feel nervous.
(4) Unknown (Unknown self) unknown to self and others. For instance, we don't know about our future husband or wife.
There are some examples for growing in self-awareness.The examples of growing in self-awareness are listen to others (become a good listener), increase your open self, seek information about yourself and dialogue with yourself.
Besides that, self esteem means confidence or the level of trust or assurance to yourself. Self-esteem can involve a variety of beliefs about the self, such as the appraisal of one's own appearance, beliefs, emotions and behaviors.
How to increase your self-esteem? The way of increase your self-esteem is attack self-destructive belief , seek out Nourishing people, work on project that will result in success, remind yourself of your success and secure affirmation.
The lecturer also asked us to write down 10 examples of high self-esteem and low self-esteem on the white board.\
Lastly, self-disclosure is an act of telling others about things that they wouldn't know about you (telling your hidden self). Self-disclosure forms a significant part of being true to our "self" and making sure we are happy with our lives.
There are five factors influencing self disclosure. The factors influencing self disclosure are (1) who you are, (2) your culture, (3) your gender, (4) your listener- small group of large group and (5) your topic and channel.
The advantages of self-disclosure is gaining confidence, be more truthful about yourself and make or strengthen friendships and relationships.
The disadvantages of self-disclosure is lost of friends and trust, additional pressure and burden and living with regret.
To be continue ^_^...
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