Wednesday 30 July 2014

Chapter 7 & 8 Interpersonal Communication

What is interpersonal communication?
Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings and meaning through verbal and non-verbal message.
Interpersonal communication is not just about what is actually said the language used but how it is said and the non-verbal messages sent through tone of voice, facial expression, gestures and body language.

                                                          The Conversation Process

       There five steps of conversation process. There are opening, feedforward, business, feedback and closing.
        Opening always involves some kind of greeting. Such as, in
face-to-face conversation and in
e-mail. Greeting can be involves verbal and non-verbal but usually are involves both.
          Feedforward is the second step of conversation. One function is to open channels of communication. The next function of feedforward is to preview future messages.
          The next conversation process is business. To directed at achieving some goal. In conversation, you conduct this business through an exchange of speaker and listener roles.
           Feedback is the reverse of the second conversation process. We usually do this in face-to-face conversation and your response to a previous e-mail.
          The last conversation process is closing. Closing have the intention to end the conversation. Different cultures have different rules and custom in conversation.

                                                        Principle of Conversation

1. Principle of Turn-Taking

    (i) Turn-maintaining
           -Speaker wish to maintain the role of speaker.
           - Paralanguage, Eye contact
     (ii) Turn-yielding
           - Speaker finished talking and wishes to exchange the role of speaker for the role of  listener.
           -Gestures, verbal
      (iii) Turn-requesting
            - Listener is ready to speak.
            - Paralanguage
       (iv) Turn-denying
            - Listener wish to maintain the role of listener.
            - Shaking head, looking away

2. Principle of  Dialogue

           Dialogue is a conversation between two or more person. Those people will share messages to one another. Dialogue involves speaker and listener; sender and receiver. It indicates an interaction rather than just a conversation.

3. Principle of Immediacy

                        Immediacy is the most effective conversation. Immediacy is the creation of closeness, a sense of togetherness, of oneness, between speaker and listener. When you communicate immediacy you convey a sense of interest and attention, a liking for an attraction to other person.

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