Friday 1 August 2014

Chapter 10: Small Group Communication

   Date: 16 July 2014
     Day: Wednesday

     Time: 5.00pm - 6.30pm

 I have some example in real life for this subtopic about ''Power in the Small Group". Power is something that you can control someone's behavior. There six types of power in all relationship.

 (i) Legitimate Power
     Legitimate power is power you derive from your formal position or office held in the organization hierarchy of authority. For example, the president of a corporation has certain powers because of the office he holds in the corporation. In facts, our parents are having legitimate power over their children. So,maybe will control them (sometimes). This power always comes from the leadership roles people occupy.

(ii) Referent Power
      You have this power in this small group when another person follow you. Due to that person is impressed with your attitude, capabilities and personality.

(iii) Reward Power
      by Positive Reinforcement.
      For example, I have reward power over my friends , if I have the ability to give my friends rewards.              (such as, i will photostat the notes or tutorial questions paper to my friends)

(iv) Coercive Power
      by Negative Reinforcement & Punishment
      This power is gotten through threatening others.
      For instance, if you get low marks in your exam, I going to confiscate your iPhone.

(v) Expert Power
     by Establishing yourself as the Expert in the Context.
     Someone will listen your instruction because you are expert in specific field
     For example, Lily are good in designing, so our assignment will follow her instruction when doing the              design part of the assignment.

(vi) Information Power
      by Establishing yourself as the person can Communicate and Inform the best.
      This type of power is normally referred to someone who can persuade others.
      For instance, politician have an idea to talk in front of people and at the same time, people can get                 influence by his/her speech.

In a small conclusion, I always be force or automatically be a leader in a small group (isn't I too responsibility???) . =="
This is one of the worse that I did in my life. T.T
Sorry, sir. I really can't finish the blog >.<

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